Ebanghelyo subong nga Adlaw (Lucas 15:1-10)
Madamo nga mga manugsukot sang buhis kag iban pa nga mga tawo nga ginakabig nga makasasala ang nagpalapit kay Jesus sa pagpamati sang iya mga pagpanudlo.
Nagkumod ang mga Pariseo kag ang mga manunudlo sang Kasuguan. Siling nila, "Ini nga tawo nagabaton sang mga makasasala, kag nagaupod sa ila sa pagkaon!"
Gani ginsugiran sila ni Jesus sang mga paanggid. Siling niya,
"Halimbawa, may tawo nga may 100 ka karnero. Ang isa nadula. Ti ano ang iya himuon? Siyempre bayaan niya anay ang 99 sa halalban kag pangitaon ang nadula hasta nga makita niya ini.
Kon makita na niya magakalipay siya kag pas-anon niya ini pauli.
Pag-abot niya sa ila balay panawgon niya ang iya mga abyan kag mga kaingod kag magsiling, 'Dali kamo, magkalipay kita, kay nakita ko na ang akon karnero nga nadula.' "
Dayon nagsiling si Jesus, "Kaangay man sina didto sa langit. Mas dako ang kalipay tungod sa isa ka makasasala nga nagahinulsol sang sa 99 nga mga matarong nga indi kinahanglan nga maghinulsol."
"Ukon halimbawa may isa ka babayi nga may napulo ka sinsilyo. Ano ayhan ang iya himuon kon madula ang isa? Siyempre sindihan niya ang suga kag silhigan sing maayo ang iya balay agod pangitaon ang sinsilyo hasta nga makita niya ini.
Kon makita na niya ini, panawgon niya ang iya mga amiga kag mga kaingod kag magsiling, 'Magkalipay kita, kay nakita ko na ang akon sinsilyo nga nadula.' "
Dayon nagsiling si Jesus, "Kaangay man sina ang kalipay sang mga anghel sang Dios sa langit kon ang isa ka makasasala maghinulsol."
Do you ever feel resentful or get upset when someone else gets an unearned favor or gets treated better than you think they deserve? The scribes and Pharisees took great offense at Jesus because he went out of his way to meet with sinners and he treated them graciously like they were his friends. The Pharisees had strict regulations about how they were to keep away from sinners, lest they incur ritual defilement. They were not to entrust money to them or have any business dealings with them, nor trust them with a secret, nor entrust orphans to their care, nor accompany them on a journey, nor give their daughter in marriage to any of their sons, nor invite them as guests or be their guests. They were shocked with the way in which Jesus freely received sinners and ate with them. Sinners, nonetheless, were drawn to Jesus to hear him speak about the mercy of God. Jesus characteristically answered the Pharisees' charge with a parable or lesson drawn from everyday life.
What does Jesus' story about a lost sheep and a lost coin tell us about God and his kingdom? Shepherds normally counted their sheep at the end of the day to make sure all were accounted for. Since sheep by their very nature are very social, an isolated sheep can quickly become bewildered and even neurotic. The shepherd's grief and anxiety is turned to joy when he finds the lost sheep and restores it to the fold. The housewife who lost a coin faced something of an economic disaster, since the value of the coin would be equivalent to her husband's daily wage. What would she say to her husband when he returned home from work? They were poor and would suffer greatly because of the loss. Her grief and anxiety turn to joy when she finds the coin. Both the shepherd and the housewife "search until what they have lost is found." Their persistence pays off. They both instinctively share their joy with the whole community. The poor are particularly good at sharing in one another's sorrows and joys. What was new in Jesus' teaching was the insistence that sinners must be sought out and not merely mourned for. God does not rejoice in the loss of anyone, but desires that all be saved and restored to fellowship with him. That is why the whole community of heaven rejoices when one sinner is found and restored to fellowship with God. Seekers of the lost are much needed today. Do you persistently pray and seek after those you know who have lost their way to God?
"Lord Jesus, let your light dispel the darkness that what is lost may be found and restored. Let your light shine through me that others may see your truth and love and find hope and peace in you. May I never doubt your love nor take for granted the mercy you have shown to me. Fill me with your transforming love that I may be merciful as you are merciful."
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